What’s your type: How your personality can boost your career

How do personality types affect our careers?

“As our work culture continues to evolve and change in a post-2020 world, we are starting to have a better idea of how our personalities and working styles can either inhibit or boost our success.” Says Abby Prince, ProSearch Director

Studies have shown that not only is compatibility between an employee’s actual personality and the personality demands of their job is a predictor of income, but also that “economic success” depends on more than having a “successful personality,” rather also on finding the best fit for one’s individual personality. Surveys have also shown that employee engagement is one of the top three factors driving performance in a company.

There are many different types of personality tests out there — you may have taken a few in your senior of high school or while browsing online during a coffee break at work. But how can you use the myriad of qualitative measurements and analyses to help you find success?

Read on to learn more about the different combinations that make up your personality and how knowing them can help you in your career:

Different types of personality tests

Extroverted versus Introverted

One of the most basic personality types is often labeled as a two-sided coin. Psychologist Carl Jung first defined these as the different ways that people direct their energy—extroverts are typically more fulfilled with active involvement in events and multiple activities with others, while introverts usually gravitate toward inward reflection and smaller-scale, but more focused, activity.

A common misconception is that extroverts are exclusively loud and social while introverts are typically shy and reserved. The truth is that most people spend different times of the day extroverted or introverted, depending on our energy levels and moods. It can be an important insight to learn if you have more introverted or extroverted tendencies (or if you are an ambivert, a balanced mixture of the two) to determine the best type of career for you, but it’s also crucial to note that these are simply tools and not limitations. Sales and managerial roles are generally defined as perfect for extroverts, but these types of career paths can also call for and highly benefit from the deep reflection and focus that introverts typically exhibit.

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

One of the most commonly used personality tests, MBTI is based on self-reported questionnaires and use the theory of psychology types by the famous psychologist Carl Jung. The result of the test is a combination of different aspects of your personality that affect the way you relate to other people, make decisions, and perceive the world. The MBTI types are made up of:

Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I): if you prefer to focus on the outer world (extroversion) or your personal inner world (introversion)

Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): if you prefer to focus on information as it has been given (sensing) or if you prefer to interpret and add meaning (intuition)

Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): if you first look for logic or consistency (thinking) or at the people and special circumstances (feeling)

Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): if you prefer to have concrete decisions (judging) or to stay open to new information and options (perceiving)


The Enneagram of Personality, commonly known simply as the Enneagram, is a test that utilizes nine different personality types, similarly using a questionnaire to analyze how your core motivations, desires, and fears inform behavior and the way you relate to other people. Because this test particularly deals with individual values, it can be a powerful tool in finding a career path that would best suit your needs and strengths. The nine different enneagrams point to archetypal personalities that can help you identify and utilize your values. For example, Type 1 enneagrams are characterized as perfectionists who value structure and precision; they will more likely be successful in roles with defined standards and processes. On the other hand, Type 7 enneagrams are characterized as enthusiasts who value novelty and fulfillment; they may find more fulfillment in creativity-forward, flexible roles.

As we continue to evolve in our individual career paths, all while observing the big changes in larger work culture, it can be a powerful insight to understand how our personalities can play a role in our success. Employee engagement continues to be a huge marker in individual and company success, so why not figure out how we best engage with others and ourselves in the workplace?

How can we help?

At CSS ProSearch, we understand the importance of collaboration and partnership when it comes to finding your next role, and we take a consultative approach to placing you in the best teams for long-term success. Read our blog to learn more tips on how to move forward in your career or contact us and see how we can help you find your perfect role.

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